iOS Developer

I am an iOS developer with a background in web development. I have been fascinated with mobile development ever since I got my hands on my first iPhone. I have embarked on a journey to become an iOS developer and to use my passion to provide technology-based solutions, in order to solve real-world challenges that enhance the user’s experience. Please check out some of the projects I've done in the past and let me know what you think! For business inquiries, please check out my contact info down below.
About Me

PriceShark /
Discover products and prices with your mobile camera through the latest Artificial Intelligence(AI) integrated and buy products without going to any other application.
Technologies: Swift, Image recognition with CloudSight & IBM Watson, Concurrent Walmart, Amazon & eBay API network calls, JSON decoding using Codable, XML serialization, and Web views.

DineRite /
DineRite is an ongoing iOS application that aims to give health-conscious citizens of Salt LakeCity. Users can search for restaurants by name or category, select an option from a map display, and view inspection data for that specific restaurant.
Technologies: Swift, Mapkit, JSON decoding using Codable, NSUserdefaults, API, Git, Web views.


Objective -C








IBM Watson
Huzaifa Gadiwala - iOS Developer
Hey there! If you would love to connect with me please feel free to leave me a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible!